Goght Urban Valley: how a modern cottage neighborhood combined medicine and exceptional architecture

Goght Urban Valley: how a modern cottage neighborhood combined medicine and exceptional architecture

In an exclusive interview with "Novosti-Armenia" agency, famous heart surgeon Pavel Kakhktsyan spoke about why Goght Urban Valley is a "promised land".

YEREVAN, October 1:/Novosti-Armenia/. Goght Urban Valley modern cottage district, located on the site of the former residence of Armenian kings, offers its residents a safe and comfortable environment for living, working, entertainment and education. As it turned out, this is not all. In an exclusive interview with "Novosti-Armenia" agency, famous heart surgeon Pavel Kakhktsyan spoke about why Goght Urban Valley is a "promised land". 

"Novosti-Armenia". Safety and comfort are, of course, very important for a person, but they become meaningless if there are health problems. Being innovative in every way, Goght Urban Valley certainly has its own concept in this vital area. 

P. Kakhktsyan․ Of course. When I got acquainted with the concept of the Goght Urban Valley project, I realized that it is an opportunity to start something new in Armenia, especially since there will be people there who are ready to understand and accept what we want to do and actively participate in it. The medical component of the project will consist of universal education on healthy lifestyles and the safety of you and your loved ones. In this regard, the health component can be decisive, because people need health and physical security for happiness.

"Novosti-Armenia". How will it work in practice?

P. Kakhktsyan: Thanks to constant medical supervision of every resident of Goght Urban Valley. Moreover, systematic monitoring of the condition of not only patients, but also healthy people, which is of fundamental importance to prevent the development of pathological conditions.

"Novosti-Armenia". Unfortunately, disease prevention is the weakest link in RA. People do not go to the doctor until the end, especially since it is often associated with high costs.

P. Kakhktsyan: We are just going to make it so that it is not expensive. For us, this approach is fundamentally important. We will not only carry out dynamic monitoring and research as required, conduct inspections, etc., but also teach people to live properly so that health problems do not arise as long as possible. And it will be perfect so that there are no health problems at all.

"Novosti-Armenia". What does "right living" mean?

P. Kakhktsyan: "Right living" primarily means right food, right physical activity and right living environment. In this case, also the spiritual environment, what attracts people here a priori. It is important for us to teach them to eat properly and provide physical activity, which will bring the planned results. A person in Goght Urban Valley should feel that he is safe and that nothing will happen to him, and if it does happen, it will be possible to fix it with minimal loss of time and health.

"Novosti-Armenia". That is, "eating right" and "moving right" means avoiding fatty, salty food and fast food and doing sports.

P. Kakhktsyan: Not only. What you have listed has long been known to everyone. But the point is not to tell what to avoid, but to teach when and what to eat and in what quantity. All this should be combined with physical activity, which allows you to remove excess calories. Advice alone is not enough. All this should be controlled.

"Novosti-Armenia". That is, will there be a nutritionist in the area of ​​the district who can be contacted regularly?

P. Kakhktsyan: Yes In addition, there will be data control. Therefore, no matter who, to put it bluntly, tries to "cheat" us, we will see it and try to help follow our advice.

"Novosti-Armenia". As they say, all diseases are from the nerves. Even if we eat right, we are physically active, but at the same time we are nervous, then we get sick...

P. Kakhktsyan: We are nervous, yes. But stress "comes out" with physical activity. In this sense, physical activity has anti-stress significance. Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate this factor, but it is possible and necessary to effectively fight against it. The sense of security and confidence that a person should feel while living here will have a powerful anti-stress effect. This is the place where you can completely relax, not be afraid, be confident and calm for yourself and your loved ones. Moreover, we are going to teach the residents of Goght Urban Valley first aid skills.

"Novosti-Armenia". Correct diagnosis is no less relevant than the issue of prevention. How will you solve it, especially since consultations with narrow specialists will be organized online?

P. Kakhktsyan: First of all, we plan to create a modern medical laboratory, which will be the first link, it will identify problems even at the initial stage. All laboratory data will be collected by the medical staff, ensuring dynamic monitoring of patients. After that, online consultations will be held, mainly of a preventive nature. If necessary, an inpatient consultation will be arranged. Ultrasound diagnosis specialists will perform screening on dispensary days. This is an important component of disease prevention.

"Novosti-Armenia". We all know that it is better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick. But we don't do anything about it. What is stopping us?

P. Kakhktsyan․ Basically laziness, lack of health culture, we were never taught that.

"Novosti-Armenia". Are there plans to study healthy lifestyles at the Goght Urban Valley educational complex?

P. Kakhktsyan: We can integrate with it and show with examples how to become healthy. Because the statistics of diseases in modern Armenia are excessive in the number of both cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

"Novosti-Armenia". Can we conclude that Goght Urban Valley's motto is: If you want to be healthy, be healthy.

P. Kakhktsyan: Rather, we will make you healthy.

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